Lose Fat and Build Muscle Within 90 Days and Achieve Your Dream Physique Effortlessly!

No more 'cookie cutter' copy-paste workouts and unsustainable diets.

Get access to my science-based personalized fitness coaching with 24x7 support to BUILD MUSCLE AND LOSE FAT even if you don't have the time to get fit!

"Yes! This Is What I NEEDED - I Gained 8 Kgs Muscle And Lost 12 Kgs Fat"

"I think for you a compliment or review is not enough, because you have helped me in achieving what I was looking for so many years. The best thing is that I enjoy my life while working out and dieting and have motivation to work on it. Please keep up the good work and helping others!"

Data Scientist

Achieve Your Dream Body Without Sacrificing Your Life

You are not alone in this. I was once there too and I know what it feels like.
  • You have tried endless fad diets like Keto, but you still are not able to lose weight
  • ​No progress in the gym, no matter what you try
  • ​Fitting a gym schedule in your busy life seems impossible
  • Your coach does not provide any personalization and hands you over the same diet and workout plan as he does to everyone else
  • Countless hours of cardio only to gain all the weight back in a couple of days
  • Worst of all - the feeling of demotivation and low self-esteem despite putting in hours of effort
After years of hit and trial, following top fitness professionals, and being a certified personal trainer by the American Council of Exercise, I am confident in telling you that
I know what works.
  • Started following science instead of 'bro-science'
  • Made fitness a part of my lifestyle and, not my life
  • Ate whatever I wanted and cooked delicious meals while losing fat
  • ​Implemented optimal training plans and skyrocketed my muscle mass
  • Increased my confidence and started actually feeling healthy

I am here to give you the proven system to achieve your dream....

What You Get In My Coaching Program

5-Step Assessment

Upon joining, I will spend a week getting to know you and your current habits. You will undergo a 5-step assessment of your body, diet, and lifestyle to get the best-personalized coaching

Customized Workout

Workout plan designed using 100+ Optimal Exercises to Build muscle without putting in hours in the gym

Personalized Diet

Countless nutritious and tasty meals, which are quick and easy to cook, catered to your life and goals

Fitness App

Access to members-only app which contains exercise form videos, workout tracker, meal plans and direct support from me

24x7 Support

Reach out to me at any point for anything from fixing your form, if you mess up a meal, or just for a question. I am here for YOU.

Lifestyle Management

I get it it's hard to manage fitness with a life. I will give you all the tips and tricks to build muscle and lose fat EFFORTLESSLY while enjoying your life

Learn directly from me 1 on 1 - how to transform your body exactly like I did.

Don't just take my word for it...

See How Other's Like You Are Making Their Own Transformations!

"My Life Changed Forever!!!! I Lost 30kgs Of Fat And Gained Muscle While Doing So"

"This transformation is exactly 6 months under the wings of Tanishq. You've inspired me so much and now I am physically and mentally a better person. You helped me achieve a physique I did not know I could have."

Final Year Engineering Student

"Yes! This Is What I NEEDED - I Gained 8 Kgs Muscle And Lost 12 Kgs Fat"

"I think for you a compliment or review is not enough, because you have helped me in achieving what I was looking for so many years. The best thing is that I enjoy my life while working out and dieting and have motivation to work on it. Please keep up the good work and helping others!"

Data Scientist

"I am finally confident"

"After following the diet created for me, I quickly began noticing differences in both my physique and lifts. Being an ectomorph, I found it a struggle to put on mass but I followed the plan and stuck to the needed macros. I put on weight, gained a lot of size and became much stronger. I have put 10kgs of muscle since and I have much more confidence"

Engineering Student

"It was so effortless!!"

"Honestly, it didn't feel like I was dieting at all. I wasn't starving or cutting out carbs/sweets. I was able to eat all the foods I love and still reach my goal physique. And the best part is that the weight I lost, stayed off! I learnt the process of loving taking care of myself physically and mentally."

Has a Desk Job

"More than I expected"

"Tanishq not only helped me transform my body but helped me build habits that are now transferring to other aspects of life. He is not only a coach but a big brother for me!"

Data Scientist

"10kgs of muscle and I feel better than ever"

"Tanishq is not only a great coach but a great friend. He wants you to succeed and will guide you to it. I thoroughly enjoy working with him, the physique is pretty much a guarantee if you follow his plan"

Analyst working a Desk Job

"I gained 9kgs without any fat"

"It has been a great experience! The diets are so easy and yet the workouts are just tough enough. With Tanishq I found it very easy to be consistent. I will not stop and keep progressing with his coaching"

High School Student

"I gained 10kgs of Lean Muscle"

"To say I am blown away by your services does not do it justice. Time and time again you went beyond my expectations as the value you provide transformed my life. If I have to summarize your services in one word, it would be professional!"

Desk Job

"My Muscle Mass exploded"

"I have been working out for 3 years but after joining Tanishq's coaching I saw what I was missing. His proven methods helped me gain around 6kg muscle which I thought was impossible after 3 years!!"

Masters Student

Join the fitness family, and transform with others just like you!

What to Expect when you Join


You can join the coaching by clicking the button above which will prompt you to fill a short form


We will get on a call so that I can get to know you better, and understand your goals, lifestyle, diet, and training history better. Remember we are all about providing a personalized service here which is why we never skip this step.


This is what we are best known for and how we drive results like no one else. After your enrollment, I will send you our thorough 5 step assessment procedure that will not only help us optimize your plans exactly for your goals but will also allow us to keep your health markers in check.


Based on the data we collected, we will make highly personalized diet and workout plans for you. We will make sure they suit you and your lifestyle, while still helping you achieve your goals in the most efficient way possible. You will receive your plans within 3-5 days.


We put no restrictions on how much access our clients get to us. You will receive full support via unlimited Scheduled calls as well as via WhatsApp/iMessage. We will clear all your doubts and queries, make ongoing changes to your plans to suit your needs, and provide solutions to any problems you might face on your fitness journey.

Your coach is just a text away.


Unlike most coaches who restrict check-ins to once per week. We do not limit our client's needs to a said number. If needed you can always schedule a check-in call with us where we can discuss everything, Check your progress tracker, and solve any problems you might be facing on your fitness journey.

Here's What You Get:

  • Thorough 5-step assessment procedure (Where I spend a whole week learning you)
  • Fully Customized Training Program
  • Personalized Nutrition Plan
  • Ongoing Program Modification to Avoid Muscle Gain or Fat Loss plateaus
  • Weekly Check-in (Via call or video call as needed)
  • Step-by-step instructions on how to track calories and Flexible Dieting
  • Exercise form analysis and coaching (via video)
  • Private Access to your coach for any question
  • Healthy Recipe variations of your favorite foods
  • Workout Tracker built into my coaching App
  • Exercise tracking through the coaching App for continuous progression
Meet Your Coach

Hi, I am Tanishq

I am an ACE "American Council on Exercise" certified personal trainer and engineer with 5 years of training experience. I help people daily by posting science-based fitness videos on my Instagram and YouTube.

In pursuit of my dream physique, I have gone through all the phases possible: from fat to skinny to skinny fat! I have struggled with a binge eating disorder my whole life as well. I went through all those phases and overcame my disorder while being an engineering student with an immense work load.

The point here is that you can see, like most people who have a life outside the gym I used to struggle as well with managing fitness and a life which is why I developed my coaching system to strike the perfect balance in between living and lifting for people like us who want to maximize on all aspects of life and not just fitness.

For me having just a decent physique is not the end all be all. I want all my clients to excel at their craft, and have a social life while having a physique they can be proud of. We do holistic transformations here.

With over 5 years of training experience, the most sought-after science-based fitness certification, and having transformed countless people you can ensure my plans are specifically designed to help you achieve maximum results.

My Final Question For You...

Are You READY?

Stop Messing Around, Take Back Control Of Your Life and Start Living Healthy.

Without giving up the food you love!

I understand, if you have some questions or want to meet your coach before signing up. Click below to fill out a short form and I will personally reach out to you!

tanishqfitness 2022. All rights reserved.

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